Stuart Little Wiki

Reginald "Reggie" Stout is a character in Stuart Little. He is Camille's husband who claimed to be Stuart's father shortly after Stuart began to fit in with the Littles. However, when it was revealed that the Stouts were no relation to him at all, they decided to let Stuart go back to his real home.

Early life

Childhood: Reggie, born Reginald Stout, was birthed into the family of Pasquale Stout (father) and mother, Martina Stout. The Stout family was a lower-middle class family as his father was a mobster. Growing up with his dad being a mobster Reggie found himself exposed to many violent events that would shape him into the mouse he would grow up to be. Reggie attended primary school, however struggled to pay attention that would ultimately get him expelled ending his scholastic career. With nowhere to be Reggie soon found himself accompanying his father in his day-to-day business. This would influence Reggie’s outlook on life and he would soon fully adopt the mobster lifestyle. During his adventures with his father, Reggie’s mother became terminally ill with Lyme. After a year of battling this disease Martina Stout would die in her late 50’s, Reggie was only 17 at the time. With no one else to turn to, Reggie went full send on his participation with the mob.

Young Adult Life: Two years after his mother’s death Reggie’s father, Pasquale Stout would be gunned down by a rival mobster outside of Maialino after dinner with fellow mobsters. This would lead Reggie to contemplate his role with the mob, he wanted out and that is what he did. He would then do odd jobs around New York where he would meet his future wife Camille. After a year of dating they would get married and move in together at a mini-golf course.


Reginald is nice and pleasant, although he did not hesitate to follow through with the plan to take Stuart away from his family. Afterwards, he realizes his errors and orders Stuart to run back to his real home after informing him that the cats are on the lookout for him.


